

Don't waste a good crisis!  A crisis is an opportunity for the smart small medium business to pull away from its less smart or larger, and therefore more sluggish competitors.  That's what we've done! The crisis has been fantastic for us. I also what a number of members have done. 

I've got members who have double and tripled the size of their business over the last eight months. We've doubled our membership in the last eight months. We've got twice the number of people actually paying us. And what's more, Rikki, we've got the same number again on the induction process before they start paying us. It's brilliant. With any luck, in six months time we'll have quadrupled our membership in twelve months. 

That's something I could never have done without the crisis and could never have done without pivoting, as the jargon is nowadays. Without working out what is it that our members really need and how can we do it better in the circumstances we find ourselves? 

And how do we outplay our competition? Because our competition we've left standing. They're miles behind.