Strategy &
An interview with
Paul Essery
Most business leaders don't want to listen to any academics or consultants or anyone sharing business theory.
The person they love to listen to and chat with about business is another business leader.
So the essence of business leader peer groups is getting together a group of about a dozen business leaders to talk to each other about their business challenges.
They act almost as business coaches for each other in a group. One shares a challenge they're facing and everybody else helps them work through how to deal with it.
One of the most interesting things is how open people can be when they feel safe with other people like them. Our meetings are the one space where a Managing Director or other busienss leader can be completely open about their challenges. In the day job everybody expects them to know all the answers. So they pretend to staff and customers they know the answer when in their heart they knowthey are busking a bit. Trying to find a way, trying to work it out for themself.